Fuel Injection Systems

Fuel injection systems are becoming more popular for those wanting the best performance from their engines. To determine which is best for your vehicle, it's important to understand how both components work.com. The main issue with obtaining the best performance using a carburetor is that it can't monitor the air to fuel ratio for each individual cylinder. Port fuel injection is the most commonly used and direct fuel injection is the latest developed fuel injection system. The amount of fuel that can flow through these jets depends completely on the amount of air that can be pulled into the carburetor venture. One of the main issues is that these systems are sophisticated and will cost much more than a carburetor. This type of controlled fuel injection results in a higher power output, greater fuel efficiency and much lower emissions. The main benefits to using direct injection is that Bottle Machine the amount of fuel and air can be perfectly released and then injected into the cylinder according to the engine load conditions. This system was designed specifically for four or two stoke engines.


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